Wednesday, 3 October 2018


- palmtop
Is small enoughto fit in the pocket, so we say that is easy to transport. They carry all the vital imformation, this is a important advantage. The only disadvantage, is that de palmtop goes very slow,

Has the advantages of a desktop computer but is more portable. The disadvantage is that is that it has a low battery, but if you need to search the internet, it is easy to take the mobile.

Resultado de imagen de laptopResultado de imagen de palmtop

Palmtop Laptop

Is larger computer that usually sists on a desk. The disadvantages are that this compuer is heavier and bigger that laptops and sometimes more powerful.

Resultado de imagen de desktopIs small laptop. They are usually cheaper, smaller and lighter. The only disadvantage is that for some it is not very practical.

Imagen relacionada

netbook desktop

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